P10 Transport units

On this page you can search for transport units in IMMS.

It is also possible to create and edit the transport units.

If the search results contain more than 5,000 rows, the results are not shown in the overview and more search criteria must be used.

MAIN PAGE (P10): Transport units


Element Description
Name You can enter the name of the transport unit you are searching for here.
There is no distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters.
A “?” can be used as a wildcard. If a wildcard is not used, only the exact name entered is searched for.
For example, if ?914 were entered, it would match Box0914 and BookCart 914.
If the field is left empty, a name is not searched for.
Label You can enter the identification of the transport unit you are searching for here. This is the machine-readable content of the label's RFID chip and/or barcode.
A “?” can be used as a wildcard. If a wildcard is not used, only the exact identifier entered is searched for.
If the field is left empty, an identifier is not searched for.


Element Description
Latest change Used to locate transport units based on the time of the latest change.
Please note: Movement of contents to/from a transport unit is not considered as a change to the transport unit itself.


Element Description
Picklist for IMMS statuses Only transport units with the selected status are included in the search. If “*” is selected from the list, the search results are not limited to the status of the transport units.
Picklist for branches Only transport units currently located at the selected branch are included in the search. If “*” is selected from the list, transport units at all branches are shown.
“Include deleted” checkbox Specifies whether deleted transport units should be included in the search.


Element Description
“Search” button Starts the search.
Transport units are searched for that match the search criteria selected.
If more transport units are found than the system can handle at one time, an error message is displayed and you will need to narrow down the search.
“Reset” button Deletes all of the search criteria entered
Transport unit table The following information is shown in the table
  • Name of transport unit
  • Description
  • IMMS status
  • Location
  • Chute - if the transport unit is currently connected to a chute
  • Label
  • Deleted
The table can be sorted by the contents of all columns. Sorting is enabled by clicking on the specific column name you would like to sort by.
User with editing permissions
“Open” button Displays the “Enter details about the transport unit” dialog box, showing detailed information on the selected transport unit.
“History” button Displays the “Transport unit history” dialog box, showing the history of the selected transport unit.
“Contents” button Displays the “Contents of the transport unit” dialog box, showing lists of items and any transport units within the selected transport unit.
“Delete” button Deletes one or more selected transport units.
“Create” button Opens an empty “Enter details about the transport unit” dialog box to allow you to create a new transport unit.
“Mass create” button Opens the “Mass create transport units” dialog box to allow you to create a number of numbered transport units.
“Select all” button Selects all transport units in the overview
“Deselect all” button Clears the selection of all transport units in the overview
User without editing permissions
“Open” button Displays the “Enter details about the transport unit” dialog box, showing detailed information about the selected transport unit, but the information cannot be edited.
“History” button Displays the “Transport unit history” dialog box, showing the history of the selected transport unit.
“Contents” button Displays the “Contents of the transport unit” dialog box, showing lists of items and any transport units within the selected transport unit.

DIALOG BOX (P10.1): Enter details about the transport unit

This dialog box is used both for editing an existing transport unit and creating a new transport unit.

Element Description
Name field Name of transport unit
Label field The identifier of the transport unit (machine-readable content of the label's RFID chip and/or barcode) is entered here if known. If this is not known, the field should be left blank.
Otherwise, refer to the section on identifiers.
Picklist of IMMS statuses An IMMS status to be associated with the transport unit is selected
Picklist of branches A branch where the transport unit will be located is selected
Field with placement + “Select” button When a branch from the picklist of branches is selected, the “Select” button will show a tree structure of branch locations with the dialog box “Select a location”. After the location has been selected, the selected location is shown in the “Placement” field.
Description field Text for describing the transport unit

DIALOG BOX (P10.2): Mass create transport units

Element Description
Number of units field Specifies the number of transport units you would like to create. A maximum of 100 units can be created at a time.
Text prefix field Text that will be added as a prefix to all transport units
Text suffix field Text that will be added as a suffix to all transport units
Felt for the number of digits in the numbering Specifies the overall number of digits in the transport unit numbering. If you would like to use 2 digits for the numbering, the sequence of numbers will, for example, look like this {...07, 08, 09, 10...98, 99, 100, 101...}. Please note that it is no problem if the number exceeds 2 digits. A maximum of 9 digits can be used for the numbering.
Start number field Specifies the first number of the sequence. If you would like to create 10 transport units using 3 digits for the numbering, a prefix of “BookCart”, and starting with the number 4, the sequence would look like this: {BookCart004, BookCart005...BookCart013}
Picklist of IMMS statuses An IMMS status to be associated with all transport units is selected
Picklist of branches A branch where all of the transport units will be located is selected
Field with start placement + “Select” button When a branch from the picklist of branches is selected, the “Select” button will show a tree structure of branch locations with the dialog box “Select a location”. After the location has been selected, the selected location is shown in the “Start placement” field. Each individual transport unit’s placement can then be changed in the “Transport units” overview.
Description field Text that all transport units get as a description

DIALOG BOX (P10.3): Select location

Element Description
Search field The location tree is “pruned” so that it only contains elements that match the entered search string
Tree structure of locations The locations at a branch are arranged in a hierarchy and are shown in a tree structure. The location for the transport unit(s) is highlighted in the tree diagram. An example of a hierarchy is provided in the following example:
  • ▶ Zone "Ground floor"
  •  ▷ Bookshelf 4
  •   ▶ Subject 3
  •    ▷ Shelf 1
  •    ▷ Shelf 2
  •    ▷ ...
  •   ▶ ...
  •  ▷ Bookshelf 11
  •  ▷ ...
  • ▶ ...
An icon is displayed next to each node of the hierarchy to identify the type of location:
  •  <Not directly used>
  •  Item grouping
  •  Chaotic - Holds shelf
  •  Chaotic - Exhibition
  •  Chaotic - Storage
Icons with an “X” (, , , , ) indicate that the location cannot be used.

DIALOG BOX (P10.4): Transport unit history

Element Description
History table The following information is shown in the table
  • Time
  • Event (some events are implicit events*)
  • IMMS status
  • Branch
  • Location
  • Chute
  • Label
  • User
The table can be sorted by the contents of all columns. Sorting is enabled by clicking on the specific column name you would like to sort by.

* Implicit events: Not all events shown in the history have been directly carried out on the transport unit. Example: A transport unit is connected to a chute and then another transport unit is connected to the chute. The other transport unit’s event “Transport unit connected to chute” will be displayed in the transport unit’s history since this event implicitly affects the transport unit.

DIALOG BOX (P10.5): Contents of the transport unit

Element Description
Table of items The following information is shown in the table
  • Item ID
  • Classification
  • Author
  • Title
  • Destination
The table can be sorted by the contents of all columns. Sorting is enabled by clicking on the specific column name you would like to sort by.
In cases where an item has not been assigned and does not fulfill a hold, the “Destination” column displays the text “No destination”.
The number of rows in the table is displayed in the right corner above the table
Transport unit table The following information is displayed in the table if the selected transport unit houses other transport units.
  • Name
  • Status
  • Location
  • Label
The table can be sorted by the contents of all columns. Sorting is enabled by clicking on the specific column name you would like to sort by.
The number of rows in the table is displayed in the right corner above the table
“Item details” button Opens the Item details dialog box, showing detailed information about the item fulfilling a hold.
The function is only available if the transport unit contains items.
“Item history” button Opens the Order history dialog box, showing the history of the item fulfilling a hold.
The function is only available if the transport unit contains items.
“Contents” button Opens a new dialog box, showing the Contents of the transport unit for the selected transport unit.
The function is only available if the transport unit houses other transport units.

DIALOG BOX (P10.6): Move contents

The contents of the transport unit can be moved here.
A branch must be selected as the destination and the transport unit must be equipped with a label.

Element Description
Picklist of branches The branch the contents of the transport unit need to be moved to is selected here
“Shelved” radio button When this radio button is selected, the contents are registered as “shelved” at the selected branch.
Each item will be placed in its matching item grouping at the branch - or be assigned the placement “Illegally placed” if the item does not match an item grouping at the branch.
“Sent to central sorting” radio button When this radio button is selected, the contents will be registered as “sent to central sorting” from the selected branch.
The special placement of “sent to central sorting” plays a significant role in relation to Automatic error correction. The branch should indicate the branch from which the item was sent to central sorting as opposed to the branch where the central sorting will be done.
“Missing” radio button When this radio button is selected, the contents will be registered as discarded with discard code given by the system parameter Discard code used for "not found".
ATTN! Immediately after the items are moved, the search results for P10.5 will be temporarily updated with the items’ new placement. Once the relocation has been carried out on the server, subsequent search results will reflect the items’ new placement.